Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Veg Box Supper - Chard, Chickpeas and Sausages

Chard is one of those vegetables I had never bought before I had a veg-box. Now it's a staple when it's in season. It performs much the same function in my kitchen as spinach does, but it has the additional bonus of white crunchy stalks, which, although they have to be cooked for a bit longer, provide good texture in a dish. It's also very good for you!

Tonight was one of those nights when I love having a veg-box. Virtually everything in our meal was from today's Riverford Delivery - including the sausages. The only things that weren't in the box were sage, parsley and bay leaf from the garden, and chickpeas from the larder.

And one sausage each was quite sufficient - it's just two looked better in the photograph!

Here's the recipe, also straight from the box: